During the time when I worked on my project GA Workbench in Java/LibGDX I have found a strange downside of the Java language.
There is no operator overloading.
So you can NOT add together two vectors like this:
result = Vec1 + Vec2;
That is just not possible in Java. You have to do it via method:
result = Vec1.add(Vec2);
But guess what? It does not only return the value, it also adds the value to Vec1. To overcome this issue
one has to use a copy method. So simple addition turns into this mess:
result = Vec1.cpy().add(Vec2);
Here is an example from my project:
//velocity verlet - use this one, store previous acceleration //v1 = v0 + (a0+a1)/2 . dt
Not so difficult, is it? Just take initial velocity, do an average of initial and current acceleration and make a step forward.
But now the code.
Vector2 accSum = this.oldAcceleration.cpy().add(a); Vector2 v = (accSum.scl(0.5f)).scl(delta); v.add(v0);
This is so hard to read. Even when I know what is happening here…
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