**Hello** :)
<img src="ja.png" style='width:100%;height: auto;'/>
I'm **Roman**. Nice to meet you!
What would you like to talk about today?
[[I have a question about work...->AboutWork]]
[[Roman, I'd like to ask a personal question.->AboutPersonal]]
[[Let's discuss blogging...->AboutBlog]]
My Twitter is <a href="https://twitter.com/RomanLuks" target="_blank">@RomanLuks</a>. Duh.I am flattered. <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/romanluks" target="_blank">Here you go</a>.
Promise to connect?
[[Of course. Give me a sec...->LinkedInConnected]]
[[No, we do not know each other yet. We need to get acquainted first. Let me browser here for a while for now.->AboutWork]]
For some, more old fashioned folks I provide my ''CV for download''.
Are you interested?
<tw-link><a href="https://bit.ly/3bwTwF8" target="_blank">Sure. Let me see.</a></tw-link>
My name is Roman Lukš. Usually, I input my name without the mysterious letter "š" as Roman Luks. Even today, in the modern age of UTF-8, some systems fail miserably and encode the last character as a question mark or something else...
The easiest way to pronounce "š" is to turn it into "sh".
Roman Luk*š* -> Roman Luk*sh*
**The Legend of Š**
//Centuries ago, a proud warrior named Giro discovered a cave system deep underground. Giro was a man of honor; however, he had a weakness: an ego. As he descended deeper into the dark tunnels, his will to explore began to fade away. His supplies of food and water thinned day by day. Before entering the cave, he had informed the entire village about his discovery, boasting, "You are all pathetic - tending to your farms and such... I, on the other hand, will make something out of myself."
But as he crept through narrow corridors covered in moisture and dirt, his will...//
Nah! I'm not going to write the whole story just to explain one measly letter!
It's quite simple: It's called //caron// and it sounds exactly like "sh" in the word "sh-allow". Thus you can pronounce as "roman luk-sh".
Caves are deep. Giro was shallow. Get it?
[[Cool beans, thanks for explanation.->AboutPersonal]]
[[Can you teach me other Czech letters?->LearnCzech]]My <a href="https://bit.ly/3mgZoKb" target="_blank">resume</a> at your disposal.
[[Thank you. Let me do something else now.->AboutWork]]
[[I have noticed something. This is a bit.ly link. Is it safe?->BitLy]]Pleasure doing business with you.
*Shakes hands...*
[[The pleasure is mutual. Gonna check out something else now.->AboutWork]]
[[Also, do you have a Twitter account?->Twitter]]
[[Keep. Shaking. Hands.->ShakingHands]]
Yeah, this bit.ly link is perfectly fine. I just use it to track amount of clicks I get on my resume.
You can use service like <a href="http://getlinkinfo.com/" target="_blank">http://getlinkinfo.com</a> to expand/decrypt it.
[[Jolly good.->CV]]
[[Nah. Still scared.->BitLyScared]]Ok, you chicken. Here is the pure link:
<a href="https://romanluks.eu/resume.pdf" target="_blank">https://romanluks.eu/resume.pdf</a>
[[DID you JUST call ME a CHICKEN?->Chicken]]
[[Thank you. I may have been called a 'chicken' but I am happy to use the bit.ly now.->CV]]<img src="chicken.png">
[[Chicken.->CV]]Sorry. Ain't nobody got time for that.
You can checkout <a href="https://www.duolingo.com/course/cs/en/Learn-Czech-Online" target="_blank">Czech Duolingo course</a>.
[[Thx. Gonna checkout something else now.->AboutPersonal]] Good deeds?
No. Not really. I haven't done <a href="https://romanluks.eu/blog/my-minor-contributions-and-tiny-achievements/" target="_blank">much</a>.
I'm a sinner.
I used to be part of <a href="http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/team/viewTeamInfo.do?teamId=118LRL3SRP1" target="_blank">Czech National Team</a> on <a href="http://join.worldcommunitygrid.org?recruiterId=826522
" target="_blank">World Community Grid</a>.
<iframe width="405px" height="145px" src="https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/getDynamicImage.do?teamId=118LRL3SRP1&mnOn=true&stat=1&imageNum=1&rankOn=true&projectsOn=false&special=true" frameborder="0" name="di" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Does it count? //It was my computer doing all the work.//
[[What exactly is the World Community Grid?->WorldCommunityGrid]]
[[Sinner? You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.->Sinner]]
[[That is all very interesting. Now, take me back.->AboutPersonal]] ''World Community Grid'' is a platform where people can join in to help scientific research on health, clean energy, etc.
''How it works?''
People install program on their computer. This program downloads small part of a larger research task. Once the download is complete it starts to calculate the tasks.
As many people around the world contribute, portion of the research is computed each day and the research advances.
You also gain points for completed tasks. It is also possible to join a team of your choosing and compete with others.
''What kind of tasks are computed?''
There are tasks related to fighting AIDS, Ebola, TB, Zika, Malaria, mapping cancer markers, etc.
''Who can join?''
Anyone with a computer (Windows, Mac, Linux) or Android phone.
[[Sounds great. Where do I sign-up?->WCGJoin]]
[[Hmm, interesting.->GoodDeeds]]My greatest sin is leaving this page blank.
[[`*gasps in horror*`->Sinner1]]
[[Very funny. return back please.->AboutPersonal]]I am happy you are interested in World Community Grid.
You can join right <a href="http://join.worldcommunitygrid.org?recruiterId=826522
" target="_blank">here</a>.
Wanna help the Czech Team? Use this <a href="http://join.worldcommunitygrid.org?recruiterId=826522&teamId=118LRL3SRP1" target="_blank">link</a> instead.
[[What was it you were saying about World Community Grid?->WorldCommunityGrid]]
[[Ok, take me back to your Good Deeds.->GoodDeeds]]
[[Go back, please.->AboutPersonal]]Or this one.
[[Or the next, right?->Sinner2]]
[[.->Sinner3]]So you have found the dot. Want a medal or what?
[[.->Sinner4]]Another dot bites the dust. Good for you. Very good.
Yes, all the dots. All of them.
[[.->Sinner2]]I've used <a href="http://twinery.org/" target="_blank">Twine</a> to create this interactive dialogue. It exports to HTML. There are tweaks needed for embedding it directly in WordPress. Find out more in my article <a href="https://www.romanluks.eu/blog/how-to-embed-twine-on-your-wordpress-website/" target="_blank">How to Embed Twine on Your WordPress Website?</a>.
I've developed WordPress plugin <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/embed-twine/" target="_blank">Embed Twine</a> which does all the "heavy lifting" for you. Simply upload your Twine story and add plugin shortcode into your page or post.
[[Ah, interesting. I have another question.->AboutBlog]]
Yeah, I'm open to cooperation. Just get in touch with me :)
[[🏠 <small>Main page</small>->About]]Roman Luks is a guy who makes his own personal roadmap. He's very methodical. The secret reason behind this is his chaotic nature and laziness. Without self-imposed structure and systems in place to guide him he'll get either bored or overwhelmed. However, he digs creating "a system" for himself, his own "life framework". He sees his life in 6 values: Drive, Make, Learn, Health, Relationships and Earn. He has a weekly meetings with himself (to talk to someone pleasant for a change) and plans his week. He rarely achieves all the things. His personal framework drives him forward (most of the time).
*Note: This is my personal pitch. It's written in 3rd form on purpose. I find it easier to talk about myself and my achievements from this point of view. It feels less like boasting and it's more fun to write.*
Yes, I'm reachable at rluks () pm.me
Give me a day or maybe 4 to respond, thanks.Roman enjoys improving things, making them easier, more understandable. He's the guy who got rid of a waste bin in his room to make waste disposal at home more streamlined. He likes to optimize and automate boring and repetitive. After all, he's a guy who wrote a program to move files from all the different folders into one "inbox" folder and another program to sort them out based on regular expressions. He's the guy who creates a small python program to automagically post on twitter every 6-8 hours. Roman likes to backup his data. Once, he lost 3TB of movies. Never again. And yeah, he wrote a <a href="https://romanluks.eu/blog/how-to-backup-easily-with-robocopy-in-windows/" target="_blank">script to backup his files</a> too.
That's a lot of talk about scripting and programming, isn't it? However, he isn't interest in making money as a developer. It's just for his personal projects. And games! We'll talk about games now. Why? Because games are awesome, that's why!
Roman is a guy who creates a 200-row google sheet with ideas for games he wants to make and then adds columns with different <a href="https://romanluks.eu/blog/how-to-choose-the-right-game-idea/" target="_blank">evaluation criteria</a> to assign score to each idea. Then procrastinates making the game with the highest score because he things it's not good enough. He's a guy who signs up for summer B.E.S.T. course in Moldavia just to create games for 10 days! He's the one to take a picture of his dog, photoshop a pair of VR goggles on her head and proceeds to promote his VR diploma thesis experiments with it. Roman is a guy who donates 3D scan of his face to anthropological research. Soon after he use it to make a silly game with fountains of blood and a lot of screaming and shouting (he invites his friends for an audio recording session). Just to summarize, yes he likes making games. And he likes to play 'em too. But not too much. He never played one game for too long. Except maybe Witcher 3. That one took its toll.
Roman is a man who gets tired of feeling tired, hooks 24-hour timer switch to lamp to wake up with light and fix his sleeping habit. He gets stage fright when cooking in front of (or for) others. When he's standing in line for tickets or fast food he is preparing a speech in his head. Awkward!
Roman is always crying. He's an emotional guy, you know? Nah. The truth is, Roman has a condition. Nothing too serious. His lacrimal ducts are shut. It's a bummer and requires paying attention to eye hygiene. When asked about crying he blames allergies as it's simpler to explain. As you can see, Roman isn't afraid to tell white lies while remaining honest. What a guy!
Roman is a type of person who creates a reminder to regularly write down the amount of used GB on his hard drive in order to predict when he runs out of disk space. This little project is called "Data growth". There are columns for growth increase rate, charts, median and all that! Run out date is bold red. Nerd!
Roman is a guy who creates a map for Stronghold, plays the game, creates a savegame and deletes the map. There is no way to change the scenario. "The people loathe you, sire."
[[I had enough of Roman's Awesomness, take me back!->AboutPersonal]]Thank you, you are very generous person!
Click the button below to support me on Ko-fi:
<a href='https://ko-fi.com/Z8Z53KDPQ' target='_blank'><img height='36' style='border:0px;height:36px;' src='https://cdn.ko-fi.com/cdn/kofi3.png?v=2' border='0' alt='Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com' /></a>
Head over to <a href="https://www.romanluks.eu/donate" target="_blank">Donate</a> page for a full list of options.
[[Nah, I've changed my mind.->AboutBlog]][[Can I email you?->Email]]
[[I want to check your LinkedIn profile.->LinkedIn]]
[[I'd like to read your CV/Resume.->CV]][[Can I drop you an email, Roman?->Email]]
[[What is your Twitter nickname?->Twitter]]
[[How do you pronounce your name? What's that last character in your name 'š' ? ->CarronExplanation]]
[[Have you done any good deeds?->GoodDeeds]]
[[Tell me something about yourself.->PitchStart]][[I like how you made your about page. How did you do it?->HowAbout]]
[[I'm a fellow blogger. Are you open to cooperation?->GuestPosts]]
[[How can I support your blog?->Donate]]*Keeps shaking hands...*
Wow, that's some firm shake you got there, partner.
[[Likewise, sir. Where were we?->AboutWork]]
[[Keep. Shaking. Hands.->ShakingHandsMore]]
*Still shaking hands...*
*Roman rises eyebrow*
[[Lovely to meet you Roman.->AboutWork]]
[[Continue, Shaking. Hands.->ShakingHandsMorer]]*Shaking hands continues...*
I can do this all day. Can you?
[[I'm not giving up.->ShakingHandsMorer]]
[[There is no counter, is there?!->ShakingHandsMorer]]
[[It was pleasure shaking hands with you Roman. I think we click real good. Now, what were we talking about?->AboutWork]]
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