Game Names Analysis and How to Write Product Descriptions []
PUBG viva la transparency – website for public roadmap and bug fixing progress.
Red Dead Redemption 2 lookin’ good.
Fine-grain difficulty setting in the new Tomb Raider game (individual combat, exploration and puzzle difficulties).
Fresh asphalt is sometimes sprinkled with white tiny stones called chip seal for a couple of reasons (one being to provide a highly skid-resistant surface).
Indie Game Marketing Notes by u/chicken_ramen_games–cms-30101
What’s in a Name? Data Analysis of 5,820 Steam Games:
“When it came to using unique words, the best-selling games were stellar! 48.19% of titles utilized at least one unique word, compared to just 27.93% of titles in general. This is a huge difference in data, and suggests that using unique words may make a game more memorable, or more likely to entice a would-be customer.”
“Keep Titles Between 1 and 5 Words – Most games stay in this range, with the best-performing ones hitting the 3-4 word range.”
Thorough shader pipeline documentation.
Interesting video about China’s influence in Africa.
The idea for a gigantic engineering project to create a new land by drying the Mediterranean sea.
How to make gifs to showcase your game.
How to get the correct size of stairs in games.
How to write product descriptions. Follow the most basic copywriting principle: emphasize benefits, not features. Use Customer Desire Map. Use story archetypes (what their life would be like after they’ve used your product, show that you deeply understand their pain — that you’ve been there and that things don’t have to continue being that way, product origin story – how it came to be, the unspoken truth and incredible story).
Really good explanation of: Google AdWords / AdRank, Ad campaigns on Facebook / LinkedIn / Instagram / Twitter
Form design tips: Remove optional (and less important) questions – less is more. Use foot in the door technique and show easier questions first (they will answer harder questions once they are already invested). Show form as 1 column. Use inline validation. Align labels to the left and show them above input fields. Tell them what value they’ll get once they fill out the form (“Get FREE candy!”). Don’t ask for a telephone number or make sure to show it’s optional. Address fear (“you can unsubscribe anytime”).
264 families in 50 countries sorted by income from left (poor) to right (rich). Where are you going to be?
AI-generated headlines outperform humans 95 percent of the time.
How to prioritize product features? Keep in mind vision, product journey of customers, feature impact and effort. And don’t make one-off features for a single client.
The indie marketing plan on Joost’s Dev Blog.
“The Peter Principle is the theory that competent employees get promoted for their skills, but are eventually promoted into a role for which they’re unsuited. Once they’ve reached this role, they won’t get promoted again — they’re too incompetent — but won’t be demoted, either. Instead, an organization becomes filled with employees who’ve reached roles for which they’re unqualified, and the organization only continues to succeed based on the employees who have not yet reached their own incompetence level. The Peter Principle points out the problem with progress for progress’s sake.”


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